“Dismantle For Flow”
Artist performance
“Dismantle for Flow” the performance, was born from my piece of Artwork “So Far….”. “So Far….” shows a creative expedition in a lineal time line. “Dismantle for Flow” is 20 minutes of film and theatre; a pause on my way round understanding the world – I have had to dismantle my thoughts to allow flow.
The pivotal point for retrospection is at the cross roads of midlife. As the cyclic, generational wheel slowly turns then the cross roads are revolving, up is now down. As a child, and a parent, my gathered experience surfaces from my ancestors, then also my children and their children to come. My writing is visual and my paintings narrative, I am revelling in the place where the two art forms cross over. If we have both the lineal and the cyclic directions and add them together, surely that makes a spiral?! A myriad of mini films, poetry, costume and art in many forms, making up “Dismantle for Flow” kaleidoscope together to construct the whole.
Saturday 24th Aug
The Atrium, Marine Workshops, Newhaven Riverside
Part of the “Books on Tables” @edgelandmodern and @creativenewhaven